Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Cancer is a deal breaker. It enters your life when you least expect it, in my case my husband's prostate is the door. Hardly a warning, stealth at it's best. Doctor's who don't know what they are doing compounding the issue. Sometimes you have to follow your gut instincts and when you don't, you regret not being more involved. The cough, the pain in his side, an emergency room visit, several doctor's visit and as a last minute effort-go the chiropractor and see what they can do for you. After seeing several doctors and xrays and ct's, our chiropractor found what no one else could see...a 3 inch by 3 inch by 1.5 inch mass involving ribs causing pain from armpit to hip. Even after the chiro found the mass, a radiologist with bad instructions from the doctor couldn't find it, "until further review..." on the "addendum" to the radiologist's report after the chiro called him personally....WOW. Surgeon biopsied it within the first 15 minutes of the first visit, he knew it wasn't a lipoma as originally diagnosed by one clueless doctor. This was a large mass, including the bone. One very large needle, glad my husband couldn't see! 5 days later, revisit doctor to learn the evil had returned. Pet scan told it was limited to the rib area. Gotta come out. Visit to heart/lung surgeon said rib(s), mass and tissue need to leave, gortex patch needs to cover the area and possibly a muscle to be relocated from back to the new site. 4-5 days in the hospital, 2-3 weeks off of work. Kapow. If anyone knows where I can find patience, coping boosters, larger shoulders, money tree, winning lottery tickets, please tell. 1/17/12 <3